Style Entry Suggestions

Have you ever had the question, where do I enter my beer in competition? It’s easy if you are brewing a style listed in the BJCP Style Guidelines, but what […]

Malt Sensory Training

Introduction This training session can be used for self study or in a group setting. It is aimed at highlighting the flavors and aromas of the malt so a participant […]

12. Judging Mead

Mead judging differs from mead drinking in that the judge is thinking about the full range of perceptions and how a mead fits against idealized standards, rather than just hedonistically […]

9. The Mead Making Process

This study guide is not intended to be a complete reference on mead making. However, good judges need to understand the production process so that any potential flaws can be […]

Introduction to Beer Styles

Overview In order to reduce the length of style descriptions, we use some basic shorthand or jargon to represent more complex thoughts, and we also omit some items that should […]