Coming Soon – Self Paced Beer Sensory and Vocabulary Building
We’ve been working on this for a while and it’s finally getting to a place where we can release it. The concept is simple. Experience a flavor or aroma, associate it with a term, and rate the intensity of the experience. There are two wheels, one for malt and another for hops.
They’re designed to be more interactive than other flavor or aroma wheels as the user will mark these up with a pen or pencil while they are sampling malt teas, hop teas, or brews. Experienced judges can use these to further develop their sensory skills and newer judges or judges in training can use these to help build their ability to describe what they’re perceiving.
We’ve drafted up some exercises for these and have taken a few practice runs with them. When released these exercises could be conducted by oneself or with a group of individuals at a training session. The final practice run is scheduled to take place in mid January and we will adjust the exercises per that event. Stay tuned!
Coming Soon – Cider Judge Training & Study Program
We’ve created training & study programs for Beer and Mead so now that the Cider Judge Program has launched it only makes sense to have on for Cider a well. The first draft of the program was piloted in October and November. We’re in the process of revising the draft per what we learned and we’re looking to publish the final version to the BJCP website in December or January.