Mark Hibberd
We’re looking forward to more than doubling the number of National judges in Australia with results due soon from last October’s written exam, the first held here since the end of the legacy exams in 2012! Getting this happening has been one of my main aims as Rep – to recognise the skills of our judges, to make it much easier for tasting exams to organise proctors, and to put the BJCP in Australia on a more sustainable footing.
The written exam spots were filled by judges from most states and territories as it was held at the same time and location as the 7th biennial ANHC (Australian National Homebrewing Conference) and the annual AABC (Australian Amateur Brewing Championships). The AABC was back to full strength post-pandemic with a total of 2500 first round entries at the state/territory level, most of these having 250+ entries and Queensland the largest at 580. Of these, 380 beers from 210 brewers progressed to the final round, judges in Melbourne. Congratulations to David Hall (Tasmania) for his Champion Beer, a Strong Stout. The unique Champion State trophy was won this year by Victoria.
It’s great to see the number of competitions and exams getting back to pre-pandemic levels across the region as travel restrictions have been removed. If there’s something you’d like to put in the next quarter’s update, let me know through my contact link on the BJCP Officers’ page.
If you’re interested in doing the beer written exam, especially on one of the quarterly dates, but don’t see any near you on the exam schedule, please get in touch and I can assist in coordinating. We have judges able to administer exams in Australia, China and South Korea; and there are options to make it work in other countries too.
Latin America
James Foster
Quarterly Report LatAm Region (en español/em português)
Hi from sunny Buenos Aires!
Our region continues to grow and develop at pace. Many competitions, both National and International and a good deal of exchange between various countries in the region. A fair number of exams and new beer judges admitted to the ranks.
From my part, I have been working on getting the grading of exams in native language going again, and we have compiled a list of Spanish speaking judges from the whole region who would be willing to give their time to the program. One main bottleneck we have is the lack of judges that are of National rank, with enough experience (both in points and practical) to qualify for the task. To solve this we need to accompany judges and raise up their ranking. I plan this year to push to get the Written Exam offered in as many countries of the region as possible. This is part of my strategy anyway, and I have been offering the Written Exam in Argentina for a while now. I believe that there is still a lack of understanding amongst many judges in the region as to exactly how the Written Exam works and I urge everyone to read up on it all via the web page of the BJCP. I will be involving the Assistant Regional Reps to help out with putting on the Written for as many judges as possible by the end of the year. Another bottleneck we have encountered is the lack of mentors suitable and ready to help bring forward these willing recruits, and a lack of structure in the organisation to facilitate this and to utilize the energy of the many judges who have offered to help. Watch this space for further updates and let’s try and get the 12-15 month waiting time for exam results down to 6!!!! Please contact us if you can help!!
The other large part of what I set myself, and was asked for by the members, is the translation and approval of many of the exam documents, and other files, used by the BJCP. We set up a great team (thanks to all who are part of it, and will be part of it!!) to translate, proofread and organise these documents and make them available for use in Spanish speaking and Portuguese speaking spheres!! As with the exam grading, we have encountered various ‘surprises’ along the way. One of the main ones is that there seem to be many parallel groups translating, both officially and unofficially, and various files and folders in different groups that are then used on a seemingly random basis. I am trying to now bring the various threads together to unify things and finally get things official and uploaded. The Spanish translations for Mead and Cider exams are finished and proofread and seem to be universally acceptable for all Spanish speakers. The Brazilian Portuguese versions are very nearly ready, although it seems we’ll need another “Portuguese” Portuguese version as the two languages are too different to have a unified version (so I am told!!)
I was not involved directly with the organisation of the translations of the new 2021 guide, but from the sidelines can say that the main translations have been finished and should be released soon.
On the exam side, I have put dates for Mead and Cider exams in June here in Argentina for the first time. This year as well I have committed to taking beer exams to parts of the country other than Buenos Aires (Santa Fe and Merlo for the moment). I had the pleasure to proctor a beer exam in Mexico recently, and administer one in Peru in the spring. Any requests for help in organising, running or general questions: please let me know. For lack of space (as I like to post in the 3 languages) I’ll leave things here! Happy beer tasting! If anybody needs to contact me the most fluid way is Instagram: @the_beer_soldier or whatsapp: +5491132407306
Reporte Trimestral Región LatAm
¡Hola desde el soleado Buenos Aires!
Nuestra región sigue creciendo y desarrollándose a buen ritmo. Muchas competencias, tanto Nacionales como Internacionales, e intercambio entre varios países de la región. Un buen número de exámenes y nuevos jueces de cerveza calificados.
Por mi parte, he estado trabajando para que la corrección de los exámenes en lengua materna vuelva a funcionar, y hemos compilado una lista de jueces de habla español de toda la región que estarían dispuestos a dar su tiempo al programa (falta oficializar la lista de jueces de lengua portuguesa). Un cuello de botella principal que tenemos, es la falta de jueces que sean de rango Nacional con suficiente experiencia (tanto en puntos como práctica) que califiquen para la tarea. Para solucionar eso tenemos que llevar adelante los jueces para que suban de rango. Planeo este año empujar para que el examen escrito se ofrezca en tantos países de la región como sea posible. Esto es parte de mi estrategia. Ya hace un tiempo he estado ofreciendo el examen escrito en Argentina. Creo que todavía hay falta de comprensión entre muchos jueces de la región, sobre cómo funciona exactamente el Examen Escrito. Invito a todos a que lean y se informen a través de la página web de la BJCP, en donde se encuentra consignada toda la información que necesitan saber. Involucraré a los representantes regionales asistentes para que ayuden con la propuesta que la máxima cantidad de jueces posibles pueden rendir el Written antes del fin de año. Otro cuello de botella con el que nos hemos encontrado es la falta de mentores adecuados y que estén dispuestos ha ayudar y llevar adelante a los jueces interesados y la falta de una estructura en la organización para facilitar esto y utilizar la energía de los muchos jueces que se han ofrecido a colaborar. Estén atentos para obtener novedades. Y vamos a intentar reducir el tiempo de espera del 12-15 meses para los resultados del examen a 6 meses. ¡¡Por favor, contáctenos si puede ayudar!!
Por otra parte, sobre lo que me propuse y que me pidieron los miembros, es la traducción y aprobación de muchos de los documentos de examen y otros archivos utilizados por la BJCP. Formamos un gran equipo (¡gracias a todos los que se sumaron y bienvenidos futuros colaboradores!) para traducir, corregir y organizar estos documentos y ponerlos a disposición para su uso en ámbitos de habla hispana y portuguesa. Al igual que con la calificación del examen, nos hemos encontrado con varias “sorpresas” en el camino. Uno de los principales es que parece haber muchos grupos paralelos traduciendo, tanto de manera oficial como extraoficial, y varios archivos y carpetas en diferentes grupos que luego se usan de forma aparentemente aleatoria. Ahora estoy tratando de unir los diversos hilos para unificar las cosas y finalmente hacerlas oficiales y cargarlas en el sistema. Las traducciones al español para los exámenes de Hidromiel y Sidra están terminadas y corregidas. Al parecer están universalmente aceptables para todos los hispanohablantes. Las versiones en portugués brasileño están casi listas, aunque quizás necesitaremos otra versión en portugués europeo, ya que hay grandes diferencias como para tener una versión unificada (¡¡eso me dijeron!!)
No participé directamente en la organización de las traducciones de la nueva guía 2021, pero al margen puedo decir que las traducciones principales se terminaron y deberían publicarse pronto.
Con relación a los exámenes, se programaron fechas para Hidromiel y Sidra, seran en junio en Argentina por primera vez. Este año también me he comprometido a brindar exámenes de cerveza en otras partes del país además de Buenos Aires (Santa Fe y Merlo por el momento). Recientemente tuve el placer de supervisar un examen de cerveza en México y administré uno en Perú en la primavera. Cualquier solicitud de ayuda en la organización, ejecución o preguntas generales, por favor háganlo saber. Por falta de espacio (como me gusta postear en los 3 idiomas) hasta aquí llego! ¡Feliz degustación de cerveza! Si alguien necesita contactarme, la forma más fluida es Instagram: @the_beer_soldier o whatsapp: +5491132407306
Relatório trimestral Região da América Latina
Olá da ensolarada Buenos Aires!
Nossa região continua crescendo e se desenvolvendo em ritmo acelerado. Muitas competições, nacionais e internacionais e muita troca entre vários países da região. Tivemos mm bom número de exames e novos juízes de cerveja recebendo seus rankings.
De minha parte, tenho trabalhado para que as notas dos exames na língua nativa voltem a funcionar e compilamos uma lista de jurados falantes de espanhol de toda a região que estariam dispostos a dedicar seu tempo ao programa. Um dos principais gargalos que temos é a falta de juízes de nível Nacional, com experiência suficiente (tanto em pontos quanto prática) para se qualificar para a tarefa. Para resolver isso, precisamos acompanhar os juízes e aumentar seu ranking. Pretendo este ano fazer força para que o Exame Escrito seja oferecido no maior número possível de países da região. De qualquer maneira, isso faz parte da minha estratégia, e já ofereço o Exame Escrito na Argentina há algum tempo. Acredito que ainda haja uma falta de entendimento entre muitos juízes da região sobre como exatamente funciona a Prova Escrita e peço a todos que leiam tudo sobre o tema na página do BJCP. Estarei envolvendo os Representantes Regionais Assistentes para ajudar a aplicação do Exame Escrito para o maior número possível de juízes até o final do ano. Outro gargalo que encontramos é a falta de mentores adequados e prontos para ajudar recrutas com disposição e a falta de estrutura na organização para facilitar isso e utilizar a energia de muitos juízes que se ofereceram para ajudar. Acompanhe este espaço para mais atualizações e vamos tentar reduzir o tempo de espera de 12 a 15 meses para os resultados dos exames para 6 !!!! Entre em contato conosco se puder ajudar!!
A outra grande parte do que eu mesmo estabeleci, e foi solicitado pelos membros, é a tradução e aprovação de muitos documentos do exame e outros arquivos usados pelo BJCP. Montamos uma grande equipe (obrigada a todos que fazem e farão parte!!) para traduzir, revisar e organizar esses documentos e disponibilizá-los para uso nas esferas de língua espanhola e português brasileiro!! Assim como na avaliação do exame, encontramos várias “surpresas” ao longo do caminho. Um dos principais é que parece haver muitos grupos paralelos traduzindo, tanto oficial quanto não oficialmente, e vários arquivos e pastas em diferentes grupos que são usados de forma aparentemente aleatória. Estou tentando agora reunir os vários tópicos para unificar as coisas e, finalmente, tornar elas oficiais e disponibilizá-las. As traduções em espanhol para os exames de hidromel e cidra foram concluídas e revisadas e parecem ser universalmente aceitáveis para todos os falantes de espanhol. As versões em português brasileiro estão quase prontas, embora pareça que precisaremos de outra versão em português de Portugal, pois os dois idiomas são muito diferentes para ter uma versão unificada (assim me disseram!!)
Não estive envolvido diretamente com a organização das traduções do novo guia 2021, mas posso dizer que as principais traduções foram finalizadas e devem ser lançadas em breve. No lado do exame, marquei pela datas para os exames de hidromel e sidra em junho, pelo primeira vez aqui na Argentina. Este ano também me comprometi a fazer exames de cerveja em outras partes do país além de Buenos Aires (Santa Fe e Merlo no momento). Tive o prazer de supervisionar um exame de cerveja no México recentemente e administrar um no Peru na primavera. Quaisquer pedidos de ajuda na organização, execução ou perguntas gerais: por favor me avise. Por falta de espaço (como gosto de postar nas 3 línguas) vou parar por aqui! Boa degustação de cerveja! Se alguém precisar entrar em contato comigo, a maneira mais fluida é Instagram: @the_beer_soldier ou whatsapp: +5491132407306
Gail Milburn
Hello from the North Region!
After a lull in the action around the holidays and New Year, BJCP-related activities are ramping up. Even though there are no National Homebrew Competition First Round sites in the North Region this year, a large number of the Region’s judges will be heading to help judge the largest homebrewing competition in the world. Sponsored by the American Homebrewers Association, we are thrilled to see a return to the First Round and Finals format. First Rounds will be held across the US in March and April with the Final Round occurring on June 21 in San Diego just before the start of HomebrewCon. Judging in this competition is one of the most effective ways to improve your skill set and there are always highly ranked judges volunteering. Additionally, if you don’t yet feel ready to judge but want more experience with competitions, serving as a steward is an excellent step toward judging. Best of luck to all of the entrants from the North Region and a hearty THANK YOU to all of the judges, stewards, staff, volunteers, brewery and other drop off and judging locations, and sponsors.
In other competition news, the Alaska Craft Brew and Barleywine Festival and competition was held on January 27 in Anchorage, Alaska and the Midwinter Competition was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Feburary 3. As this is being written, on February 26, the Deja Bru will be held in Minneapolis. The 2023 Cowtown Yeast Wranglers Roundup will occur in Calgary on February 27. Between the Bluffs competition will occur on March 18 in La Crosse, Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin State Fair Amateur Homebrew Competition will be held on March 31 in West Allis. Rounding out April, The 2nd Annual H.H. Hinder Head Butt Homebrew Competition will occur in Waupaca, WI on April 22 and the Lupulin Pro-Am Competition will occur in Big Lake, Minnesota, also on April 22, with Siciliano’s Homebrew Competition in Grand Rapids, Michigan additionally on April 22. Dave Cole will be organizing the 2023 Prairie Beer Awards in Regina, Saskatchewan, on May 12 and will be getting married shortly thereafter! Be sure to congratulate him when you see him in San Diego if not before!
On the exam side, former North Region Representative Brian Joas administered a judging exam in January in Wisconsin, where another exam is set to occur on April 29. April will also see a judging exam in Dearborn on April 1 where I will be proctoring, and a written exam on April 29, which I’ll be administering. Assistant Representative Dave Cole will be busy administering judging, written, and cider exams in Regina, Saskatchewan on May 12. Best of luck to all of the examinees and thank you to all of the Administrators and Proctors!
Assistant Regional Representative Dave Cole also adds that Manitoba added 4 new Mead judges, and 4 new Beer judges with one scoring high enough to take the written exam! Alberta also added 3 new Mead judges and one existing Beer judge also scored high enough to take the written exam! Hearty congratulations to Mead judges Steph Barten, Marc Molet King, Morgan Flegg, Kyle Dyck, Dave Cole, Kurt Stenberg, and Malcolm Mackenzie! Big congratulations, as well, to new or advancing Beer judges Marc Molet King, Kyle Dyck, Steve Shaw, Morgan Flegg, Dave Cole and Devin Wiersma!
Dave continues to work hard on nailing down Canadian Spruce Beer homebrew recipes and fine tuning the stylistic description. He also has become a published author with the article about Spruce Beer in the March/April 2023 edition of Zymurgy, the magazine for members of the American Homebrewers Association. Personally, I continue to judge every chance I get and hope to see many of my judge and steward friends from the North Region at NHC First Round sites in Indianapolis and Chicago. I’ve also been busy supporting potential judging examinees as they prepare for their exam in Michigan in April. And, of course, I’m already gearing up to judge at NHC Final Round and attend HomebrewCon in June in San Diego! Look for me and say hello! I am also continuing to seek out active BJCP members in Alaska to help me spread the word about the good things happening in that area; contact me through the north_rep at I’d love to hear from you!
Andrew Luberto
Greetings Fellow North East Judges!
It’s been a busy quarter with a lot more fun to come for the North East. Be sure to check the competition schedule and mark your calendars for upcoming competitions in our region like Ocean State, NHC First Round (more on this below), and Amber Waves of Grain . Just a quarterly reminder that myself and the NE Assistant Reps are all available to hold written exams for anyone looking to take one. It can be as little as one participant. Additionally, we’re available to speak to your clubs or BJCP training classes on judging or just to talk BJCP. Email me if interested.
Assistant Rep Katie Sloan and the New York City Homebrewer’s Guild completed Homebrew Alley in February with 420 entries at Wild East Brewing Company. It was an excellent competition, I was lucky enough to judge Best of Show with some outstanding judges. Katie is also the competition organizer for NHC round 1 in New York. In case you missed the email, mark your calendars for April 21st and 22nd. Judging will be held at Strong Rope Brewing in Red Hook, Brooklyn. We’ll need all hands on deck for this so, please sign up to judge when registration opens. Additionally, if you’re in the NYC area, she will be starting a BJCP tasting prep class in March with a follow up tasting exam scheduled for June. If you’re interested in any of those items, please email her directly.
Assistant Rep Jay Hersch recently visted Montreal to assist the MontreAlers in the judging of their annual IronAler competition. He is also hosting a tasting exam in Essex Jct, VT on March 19th. Email him if interested in taking the exam.
A couple months ago, Assistant Rep Eric Cousineau organized the 2022 Canadian Homebrew Championship (CHC) in Toronto, sponsored by the Canadian Homebrew Association (CHA). This invite-only competition was open to homebrewers nominated by the 8 participating Canadian homebrew clubs, and served as the final round of the Canadian Brewer of the Year (BOTY) circuit.
The competition was a great success with 107 entries judged, 20 judges, hybrid digital and paper scoresheet entry, some incredible food, hosted by our friend Amsterdam Brewing! Our lunch menu on judging day included: Butternut Squash Risotto Cakes w/ Sage Cream, Chicken Saltimbocca Skewer w/ White Wine Cream, and Braised Beef Short Rib Bourguignon! The results of the competition saw Patrick Lalonde crowned as Brewer of the Year, then the Montrealers (Montreal, QC) club was crowned the Club of the Year, and finally Markus Ebner’s American IPA (Syzygy) was crowned as the Beer of the Year! A big thanks to all involved in the competition!
Lastly, we’re always looking for content for the BJCP Bulletin. If you have a story idea, content suggestion, or just something you’d like mentioned please let us know! (My Email Again)
Fred Mullner
The Fermentation Frenzy, a homebrewed beer, wine, and mead competition sponsored by the Butler County Brewing Society (BCBS). The Frenzy will be held on 29 July, the last day of the Butler County Fair in Hamilton, Ohio. In 2019, the Butler County Fair established an amateur beer and wine competition. After receiving only a handful of entries, they asked BCBS to take over management of the competition. A pandemic-forced hiatus in 2020 postponed the event, but it were able to re-launch in 2021 with nearly 75 total entries. Last year it grew to more than 120 total entries, and the goal is to become the most entered competition at the fair – surpassing even the 250+ hogs entered – which means we need the support of the BJCP community. As added enticement, judges all receive free entry to the fair and a food voucher, which includes what Ron Smith called, “Literally, the best corndog I’ve ever had in my life.” (Quote used by permission) 🙂
Fermentation Frenzy Website:
BCBS Website:
Brian Cooper
Dennis Mitchell
No updates at this time
Sal Mortillaro II
No updates at this time
Europe, Middle East, Africa
Omer Basha
No Updates at this time
Sandy Cockerham