Each BJCP Bulletin recognizes judges who have advanced to national or master rank since the last publication. This installment recognizes advancements from roughly March 2021 to September 2021. Congratulations All! […]
Each BJCP Bulletin recognizes judges who have advanced to national or master rank since the last publication. This installment recognizes advancements from roughly March 2021 to September 2021. Congratulations All! […]
MoreWest Brian Cooper A YEAR WITHOUT JUDGING BEER At the risk of sounding like a broken record, BJCP-related activity has continued at a snail’s pace in the West region and […]
MoreBy Bruce Buerger, Education and Training Director Notable changes and accomplishments from 2020 include: Processed 40+ sensory kit orders for members and upcoming exams. Release of the malt sensory […]
MoreBy Al Boyce, BJCP Finance Director BJCP QUARTERLY REPORT – December 31, 2020 2020 BUDGET TO DATE Surplus/ (Shortage) Pct of total […]
MoreBy Dennis Mitchell, Communication Director The Communications Directorate (CD) manages communications with members through periodic email newsletters, front-page website posts and social media activity. We also respond to general inquiries […]
MoreBy Exam Director Sarah Bridegroom Due to the COVID pandemic, exam activity throughout 2020 was lower than projected. Over 70 exam sites were affected by either cancellation or postponement. Most […]
MoreEach BJCP Bulletin recognizes judges who have advanced to national or master rank since the last publication. This installment recognizes advancements from roughly November 2020 to March 2021. Congratulations All! […]
MoreBy David Houseman, Competition Director & Michael Bury, BJCP Assistant Competition Director It was a trying year for BJCP competitions just as it was for everyday life around the […]
MorePlease join us on Wednesday, February 24th at 6:30 pm EST for a live Q&A session with John Moorhead – Competition Manager of the AHA’s National Homebrew Competition. John will […]
MoreWest Brian Cooper Judging in the West region has been fairly quiet over the summer, with many of our regular competitions cancelled, postponed, or downsized due to the pandemic. […]