Frequently Asked Questions Why is there a cap on the number of points judges can earn per competition? What are experience points? How do I log into my BJCP account after passing the online entrance exam? How do I set up a BJCP-like organization in my country? How do we set up a BJCP presence in our country? How long after I take a judging exam until I can log into the website? When will my exam results be posted? Why did judges for a competition not receive an email notification that their points were recorded? Can I use the BJCP style guidelines on my website, in my app, for my publication, etc.? Can I use the BJCP logo? Do you have to retest to stay active as a judge? Why can’t I assign a person to be a judge and a steward? How many points can I assign to judges at a competition? How do I advance as a grand master? I believe I’ve earned a rank advancement; when will it show on my record? How can I schedule a written exam? How can I log into the web site? All the exams are full; what do I do? How do I sign up for an exam? How do I get a replacement pin, member card, certificate, etc.? How do I find out the status of an exam I administered? How soon do I get my BJCP ID number? What if I judged at a competition and didn’t get points or the points are wrong? I forgot my BJCP number. How do I get it? How do I retire from the BJCP? I submitted an organizer’s report but need to make changes. How do I do that? How do I advance in rank? What can’t I login with my BJCP number from my online certificate? How do I claim retroactive points? I want to hold a competition but I’m not a BJCP member (or maybe even a homebrewer). How do I proceed? I judged BOS but didn’t get points for it. How do I get them? Can I earn Continuing Education Points (CEP) prior to becoming a judge? I get too many competition invites. How do I opt out of emails? How do I qualify for the Beer Written Exam? What is a Provisional Judge, an Apprentice Judge, a Rank Pending judge, or an Affiliated Judge? Can I earn BJCP points prior to taking the exam? What happens to judges who are not active? How do I make change suggestions to help improve the BJCP Style Guidelines? How do I become a grader? How do I register for an exam? How do I become a judge? What’s the difference between a Category, Subcategory, Style, and Sub-style? What if I want to reformat the guidelines or use them a different way? I think I found an error. How do I report it? Why are the styles grouped the way there are? How did you determine the vital statistics of styles listed in the guidelines? How did you choose the commercial examples? Why do you create style guidelines? What gives the BJCP the authority to define beer styles? How do I join the BJCP? What is the significance of my BJCP number? What is our corporate/financial/tax status? I have a problem, question, complaint, etc. Whom do I contact? Where are the BJCP’s Bylaws? What are the duties and responsibilities of the BJCP Board and Directors? How is the BJCP organized?
I want to hold a competition but I’m not a BJCP member (or maybe even a homebrewer). How do I proceed?