he Exam Directorate has published a new BJCP Scoresheet Guide to be used as a rubric for grading as well as a training tool for current and prospective judges.
BJCP Expands in Europe
BJCP President Gordon Strong and BJCP Northeast/International Representative Ali Kocho-Williams proctored the first BJCP in Ireland on February 8th. Organized by Shane Smith of the National Homebrew Club of Ireland, […]
MoreSeveral Measures Passed
The BJCP Board approved the new BJCP Bylaws in January, and also adopted an Election Policy, an Exam Proctor Reimbursement Policy, and named an Election Committee (email [email protected]) to manage […]
MoreNew Documents Available
A completely revised Competition Handbook is now available. Thanks to “Grand Master Steward” Luann Fitzpatrick for leading the effort. It contains modern best practices and advice for running homebrew competitions […]
MoreBJCP Monthly Exam Quota Increased
As announced at the NHC this year, the BJCP has increased the monthly quota of exam sites from 8 to 10. Organizers for all previously-scheduled exams were contacted, and were […]