How soon do I get my BJCP ID number?

You are likely to get your BJCP number at the same time you receive your exam results, but you may receive the number before then. The timing varies based on […]


I forgot my BJCP number. How do I get it?

Use our handy lookup tool to find your judge number   If needed, do a password reset for your account    If all else fails, contact the Communication Director and provide […]


How do I retire from the BJCP?

Send an email to the IT director and we will update our records. For more detail, read this information on judge status codes.


How do I advance in rank?

Generally, you have to gain experience by judging in competitions and possibly raise your exam score by retaking the exam to qualify for a higher rank.  The BJCP uses a tiered […]


How do I claim retroactive points?

If you are a new judge, wait until you have received notification that you have been assigned a Judge ID AND that the judge record web site has been updated […]
