Grader Incentive Plan

Ryan Thomas proposed a grader incentive plan, developed in conjunction with the AHA:

Grader Incentive Program

The BJCP Board has enacted a new program with the goal of incentivizing graders to pick up additional sets. In a nutshell, grading 3 or more sets will earn a cash reward. The AHA has also agreed to match those rewards for graders who attend the National Homebrewers Conference and judge in the final round. In addition, the AHA will be giving priority registration at the NHC to high ranking judges and graders who sign up to judge. Full details on the incentive program can be found, and more information on the NHC registration will be posted closer to the event.

Email to National+

As a National or higher ranked judge you are eligible to join the exam grading team. This is one of the most important functions within the BJCP, and directly affects our ability to grow. There is also no better way to improve your own scores and abilities than to experience grading from the other side. The process has recently been streamlined and the workload on graders significantly reduced. To help motivate graders the BJCP Board has approved a program to reward graders financially. The rewards kick in after three sets, and the AHA is providing matching funds for graders who also attend the NHC and judge in the final round. Full details can be found on our website. To join the grading team, send email to the Lead Exam Director. If you are already a member, then thank you for volunteering and I hope that the incentive program will encourage you to pick up an extra set or two this year.

Motion passed 7-0 on 24 Dec 2014