Finance Votes

The board held three finance-related votes:

  1. The board voted to accept the treasurer’s 2009 Financial Report.
  2. The board voted to change the fee structure for competitions and exams. The exam fees were held at the same level, but the amount the administrator can retain was increased from 20% to 30%. The competition registration fee was reduced from US$35 to US$30. The changes were made due to an improved financial position and continued program growth.
  3. The board voted to allow members to purchase Siebel off-flavor kits at a cost to them of US$50, with the BJCP subsidizing the rest. The kits have a list price of approximately US$180, although the BJCP’s cost is lower. A new web application (similar to the nametag ordering application) must be developed before the program can be launched. Orders will be routed to the CEP Director to be placed with the kits used for exam prep courses. Siebel will continue to do the fulfillment of the orders for us. This cost will be included in the 2010 budget.

Motions passed 7-0 on 14 Jan 2010