
Typos and minor revisions are inevitable in any large published work. Rather than silently making changes, we are listing the edits made to original published versions of our style guidelines so that those who build translations or derivative works will see the revisions. 

2021 Beer Style Guidelines (published 22-Dec-2021)

  1. Style 21A: extraneous ‘are’ deleted from Characteristic Ingredients
  2. Style 28D: ‘maybe be’ changed to ‘may be’ in Characteristic Ingredients
  3. ‘south-america’ tag added to Style Tag Reference (Region of Origin) and applied to styles X1, X2, X4
  4. Category 14, intro: missing ‘as’ added to last paragraph, 2nd sentence
  5. Style 17D: first sentence in second paragraph of Flavor reworded to be “Aged versions may develop complex oxidative or vinous flavors at a noticeable but not prominent level”
  6. Style 3D, commercial examples: Herold ‘Imavé’ changed to ‘Tmavé’
  7. Style 4A, commercial examples: Weihenstephaner Original ‘Heles’ changed to ‘Helles’
  8. Style 8B, commercial examples: ‘Nuezeller’ Original Badebier changed to ‘Neuzeller’
  9. Style 23D, history. ‘The number of producers is constantly dwindling.’ removed
  10. Style 26C, history. 1934 changed to 1931.
  11. Style 28D, aroma. ‘Pale malt dominates’ changed to ‘Supportive pale malt’
  12. X3, overall impression. Section moved to start of style description
  13. X3, aroma. ‘stout like, profile’ changed to ‘stout-like profile’
  14. X3, ingredients. ‘Continental hop varieties’ changed to ‘Old World hop varieties’
  15. X5, ingredients. ‘Riwake’ changed to ‘Riwaka’
  16. Style 29A, examples: 21st Amendment ‘Watermelon Wheat’ changed to ‘Hell or High Watermelon’
  17. Style 5D, aroma: ‘moderately to moderately-high’ changed to ‘Moderate to moderately-high’
  18. Style 14A, 14B, 14C, mouthfeel: ‘Maybe be moderately creamy’ changed to ‘May be moderately creamy’
  19. Style 6A, flavor: ‘the floral, herbal, or spicy hop flavor is low to none’ changed to ‘a low floral, herbal, or spicy hop flavor is optional’
  20. Style 7A, aroma: ‘Floral, spicy hop aroma may be low to none’ changed to ‘A low floral, spicy hop aroma is optional’
  21. Style 7A, flavor: ‘Floral, spicy, or herbal hop flavor may be low to none’ changed to ‘A low floral, spicy, or herbal hop flavor is optional’
  22. Style 27, Kentucky Common, history: ‘acidity’ changed to ‘acidify’
  23. Style 21C, Hazy IPA. ’emphasis’ changed to ’emphasize’ in Characteristic Ingredients
  24. Style 21C, Hazy IPA. Mouthfeel and Comments section adjusted slightly to address source of haziness and undesirable mouthfeel elements.