BJCP Lapel Pins

Who can get a lapel Pin? 

As a service to members, the BJCP will pay for Judge Rank Pins and Mead/Cider certification lapel pins to be worn at competitions and other BJCP events. Members are eligible to order pins under the following circumstances: 

  • After passing an exam for the first time and becoming a new BJCP member
  • After a promotion in rank or earning of an additional endorsement (e.g. mead or cider)

Members who have lost or damaged their lapel pin can contact BJCP Pin Inquiry to discuss a replacement. 

How can I order a lapel pin?

Lapel Pins can be ordered via the Pin Ordering Form. Please note that it might take up to a month for your pins to arrive. Also note – shipping outside of the United States is on hold. If you have not received your lapel pin within three months of submitting the order form, contact BJCP Pin Inquiry.

IMPORTANT: When completing the pin order form, please verify that your name and address are correct. You may edit your name and address directly on the pin order form.