Mobile Style Guidelines Available

Have you been judging lately? At a recent AHA NHC first round competition, nearly half the judges present were observed using mobile phones or devices with the BJCP guidelines. Thanks […]


BJCP Lowers Fees

The BJCP board voted unanimously to lower competition fees from $35 to $30. Exam fees remain the same, but exam administrators may now retain 30% of the exam fees for […]


Mead Judge Program Launched

The Exam Directors have approved the formal introduction of the Mead Judge program, after the successful pilot exam and the completion of the initial release of the Mead Exam Study […]


New Beer Flavor Kits Available for Order

The BJCP is happy to announce a partnership with the Siebel Institute to provide their new Sensory Training Kit to BJCP exam prep classes. The Sensory Training Kit is a […]


Former BJCP President and Treasurer Sentenced

Former BJCP President and Treasurer William R. Slack of Nashua, NH was sentenced on December 16, 2008 in U.S. District Court in Concord, NH. Mr. Slack admitted his guilt as […]


New Style Guidelines Available

Well, not really new guidelines, but one of the problems experienced with such a comprehensive set of guidelines is the sheer length of them. When you need to download a […]


BJCP Style Guidelines Revised

The last (2004) revision of the style guidelines has been updated. This is not a major revision, and all the category and style names and numbers remain the same. Technically, […]


New Limit on Exam Scheduling

Due to the significant growth in requests to schedule the BJCP Beer Judge Examination, we have had to impose a scheduling limit of no more than five exams per month. […]
