Sure, go ahead. Members have in the past translated our Guidelines into several other file formats (and even other languages). Just let us know if you come up with something […]
MoreI think I found an error. How do I report it?
We appreciate the help. There are many ways to report errors. You can send email to the Style Committee chairman, the Competition Director, the IT Director, the Communication Director, or […]
MoreWhy are the styles grouped the way there are?
Excerpt from the Introduction to the BJCP Beer Style Guidelines: Styles and Categories The BJCP Style Guidelines use some specific terms with specialized meaning: Category, Subcategory, and Style. When thinking of […]
MoreHow did you determine the vital statistics of styles listed in the guidelines?
By numbers, we mean the style parameters (OG, FG, ABV, IBUs, Color) listed in the Guidelines. The numbers come from many sources, but all are validated by the Style Committee. […]
MoreHow did you choose the commercial examples?
We drink a lot of beer. Seriously. Many of the officers and staff in the BJCP are truly committed beer geeks. We travel all around the world drinking beer. When […]
MoreWhy do you create style guidelines?
Styles are a convenient shorthand for discussing beer. They allow all those who are tasting and describing a beer to use a common framework and language. Style Guidelines are designed […]
MoreWhat gives the BJCP the authority to define beer styles?
It’s part of the BJCP’s Mission Statement. One of the purposes of the BJCP is to promote beer literacy, which includes understanding more about the world’s great beer styles. The […]
MoreHow do I join the BJCP?
Refer to the info in Exam Program Overview to learn how to become a judge. Cheers!
MoreWhat is the significance of my BJCP number?
Every member of the BJCP is assigned an identification number, in order to keep track of your experience points in our database. Generally, your number is assigned when you take […]
MoreWhat is our corporate/financial/tax status?
We are a non-profit corporation chartered in the state of New York. We are also classified by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt public charity, under sections 501(c)(3) and […]