Several Votes

Vote Date: July 14, 2010Vote Tally: 7-0

Four votes: The board authorized the investigation into a new two-tier exam system under the direction of Kevin Pratt. The board authorized free international shipping for off-flavor kits for exams. […]


2010 Elections

Vote Date: March 3, 2010Vote Tally: 7-0

The board appointed Mike Dixon and Susan Ruud to the Election Committee, approved the election schedule as outlined in the Election Center, and waived the election procedures as stated in […]


Finance Votes

Vote Date: January 14, 2010Vote Tally: 7-0

The board held three finance-related votes: The board voted to accept the treasurer’s 2009 Financial Report. The board voted to change the fee structure for competitions and exams. The exam […]


Electronic Meetings

Vote Date: October 23, 2009Vote Tally: 7-0

The board voted to investigate electronic conferencing capabilities for real-time board meetings. Motion passed by consensus on 23 Oct 2009


Legal Fees Budgeted

Vote Date: May 28, 2009Vote Tally: 7-0

The BJCP Board authorized an increase of US$2500 in the 2009 Legal Fees budget to cover potential contingencies. Motion approved 7-0 on 28 May 2009
