Plan for Online Exam

Vote Date: November 27, 2011Vote Tally: 7-0

The board authorized a new plan for creating an online examination under the direction of Scott Bickham and the Exam Directorate. Motion passed 7-0 on 27 Nov 2011


Waived Fees

Vote Date: September 23, 2011Vote Tally: 7-0

The board voted to waive exam fees on an exam set where the payments were misplaced by an exam director. Motion passed by consensus on 23 Sep 2011


Guidelines for Physical Limitations

Vote Date: September 12, 2011Vote Tally: 7-0

The board approved guidelines for exam directors to support exams given to examinees with physical limitations. Motion passed by consensus on 12 Sep 2011


New ADs

Vote Date: June 24, 2011Vote Tally: 7-0

The board approved the appointment of Jim Wilson and Frank Barickman as new Associate Exam Directors, replacing Gordon Strong. Motion passed 7-0 on 24 Jun 2011


Merchandise Supplier

Vote Date: May 29, 2011Vote Tally: 7-0

The board approved the Treasurer’s plan to use Budd Bay as the BJCP’s embroidered merchandise supplier. Motion passed 7-0 on 29 May 2011
