Exam Directorate Authorizations

Vote Date: March 14, 2013Vote Tally: 7-0

The board authorized additional flexibility for the exam directorate: payments to graders are allowable, up to US$10 per exam; a second Assistant Exam Director is authorized. The use of these […]


Hejl AD

Vote Date: March 9, 2013Vote Tally: 7-0

Exam Director Steve Piatz proposed Andy Hejl as a new associate exam director. Motion passed 7-0 on 9 Mar 2013


Several Votes

Vote Date: February 21, 2013Vote Tally: 7-0

The board voted on proposals to appoint a 2013 election committee, to use substitute election procedures due to outdated bylaws, to promote Mike Lentz from associate exam director to exam […]


Competition Registration

Vote Date: November 9, 2012Vote Tally: 0-7

The board considered a proposal by Competition Director Dave Houseman to require that only BJCP members can register competitions. Motion rejected by consensus on 9 Nov 2012


Proctor Travel Expense Guidance

Vote Date: October 18, 2012Vote Tally: 7-0

The board considered guidelines for proctor travel expense reimbursement at the request of the Exam Directorate. Motion passed 7-0 on 18 Oct 2012
