Siebel Kit Replacement

Vote Date: December 29, 2014Vote Tally: 7-0

The board discussed Siebel flavor kits being discontinued, and requested the Education Director investigate alternatives and formulate a plan. Discussion concluded 29 Dec 2014


Grader Incentive Plan

Vote Date: December 24, 2014Vote Tally: 7-0

Ryan Thomas proposed a grader incentive plan, developed in conjunction with the AHA: Grader Incentive Program The BJCP Board has enacted a new program with the goal of incentivizing graders […]


Eichhorn Koebel ADs

Vote Date: December 23, 2014Vote Tally: 7-0

Exam Director Steve Piatz recommended the appointments of Brian Eichhorn and Jim Koebel as new Assistant Exam Directors. Motion passed 7-0 on 23 Dec 2014


Grader Incentives

Vote Date: October 24, 2014Vote Tally: 7-0

The board discussed and agreed to the development of a grader incentive plan. Discussion concluded 24 Oct 2014


Point Award Schedule Update

Vote Date: September 6, 2014Vote Tally: 0-7

The board discussed and rejected by consensus a member proposal to allow for 0.5 judging points and 0.5 stewarding points to be awarded on a single day for people who […]
