Dennis Mitchell as AD

Vote Date: December 1, 2015Vote Tally: 7-0

Exam Director Steve Piatz requested the board approve Dennis Mitchell as a new Associate Exam Director, replacing Ryan Thomas. Motion passed 7-0 on 1 Dec 2015


BJCP-logo Competition Supplies

Vote Date: November 30, 2015Vote Tally: 0-7

The board considered a proposal by the Competition Director to create BJCP-logo cups, medals, and other competition supplies for sale to competitions. The board rejected this proposal by consensus on […]


Aleist Collaboration

Vote Date: November 30, 2015Vote Tally: 7-0

The board considered a proposal from member Mirella Amato to collaborate on an Aleist mobile device application, and forward the information on to interested members. Motion passed 7-0 on 30 […]


Ryan Thomas as ED

Vote Date: November 30, 2015Vote Tally: 7-0

Exam Director Steve Piatz requested that the board approve Ryan Thomas as an Exam Director replacing Tom Cannon, who will retire from the staff after completing his currently assigned exams. […]


Charging for Beer Reviews

Vote Date: November 25, 2015Vote Tally: 7-0

The board held a long discussion about whether charging for beer reviews was allowable under the bylaws. The discussion was instigated by a business offering such a service and promoting […]
