Exam Proctor Expense

Vote Date: September 23, 2016Vote Tally: 7-0

The board approved an exam proctor expense of US$568 for Ali Kocho-Williams. Motion passed 7-0 on 23 September 2016


Assistant Representatives

Vote Date: September 23, 2016Vote Tally: 6-0

The board approved Tracy Hensley as Assistant Representative for the Mountain/Northwest Region and Mike Dixon as Assistant Representative for the South Region. Motions passed 6-0 on 23 September 2016


New Associate Exam Director

Vote Date: September 15, 2016Vote Tally: 7-0

Exam Director Steve Piatz proposed Greg Toothaker as a new Associate Exam Director to replace Jim Koebel. Jim will work his assigned exams, expecting to be complete in November. Motion […]


Personnel Appointments

Vote Date: August 10, 2016Vote Tally: 7-0

Gordon Strong introduced a motion to: Appoint Toby Guidry as a new Assistant Communications Director (requested by Mike Dixon). Appoint Kris England as Education Liaison, an Assistant Education Director level […]


Exam Protest Policy

Vote Date: July 25, 2016Vote Tally: 7-0

A revision to the exam protest policy was approved by the board at the request of Exam Director Steve Piatz. The revision adds a fee to the protest.
