NHC 2018 Votes

The board met at the NHC in Portland, having a quorum of 4 representatives present, with three assistant representatives as observers. Several votes were taken:

1. The board voted 4-0 to initiate an update to the bylaws to allow Assistant Regional Representatives to have voting rights by proxy from their Regional Representative at board meetings. Section 7.4 of the bylaws needs to be revised. Also the rep/assistant rep job description needs to be updated to discuss voting at meetings.

2. Malcolm Frazer moved out of the Mid-Atlantic region. Gordon Strong proposed that Fred Mullner replace him. Motion passed 4-0.

3. Gordon Strong proposed to increase the regional representative discretionary travel budget from US$500 to US$1000 per year, and to allow assistant regional reps to use this budget at the discretion of the appropriate rep. Motion passed 4-0.

4. Gordon Strong introduced a motion to update the Exam Proctor Reimbursement Policy based on requests from the Exam Directorate. Motion passed 4-0.