Please read the BJCP competition requirements carefully before you register a competition. Registration and website listing are subject to review by the Competition Director, and may be withheld or withdrawn if the organizer’s competition report from a prior year has not been submitted. Submission of this form and data along with the registration fee implies that the organizer agrees to run the competition according to the BJCP guidelines and requirements and to file a competition report within 20 days of the competition date.
After you submit this request and we receive the registration fee, the organizer will be sent an electronic Competition Package containing some forms, instructions, and judge contact lists in both text and PDF formats. No hard copy materials are issued; everything is sent via email within two weeks. Please be sure to provide an e-mail address for the organizer of the event that will accept a message with an attachment. Also be sure the account will accept a message from anyone (that is, e-mail is not restricted to names on a “whitelist”). Please keep in mind that data furnished by the BJCP may only be used for running the competition and may not be redistributed or used for any non-BJCP purpose. See our Privacy Policy for more information.
Competitions submitted with adequate lead time (90 days before the event) will be listed on the BJCP competition calendar, the AHA events calendar, and in Zymurgy. If you do not register the competition far enough in advance, you will likely experience delays when submitting your online organizer’s report.
Competition RegistrationPayment
We require that you pay the US$30 registration fee using PayPal. Authenticated, active BJCP members are eligible for a US$5 discount from this price.
You can pay the registration fee right now by electronic means. PayPal will accept your payment with either a checking account or a credit card. If you wish to use our secure PayPal processing for your registration payment, please continue below.