Mead Exam

The BJCP Board has approved the mead exam recommendations made by the Mead and Cider Committee, and transfers the responsibility for the rollout of the mead exams from the Mead and Cider Committee to the Exam Directorate. Further, the Board approved the fee schedule for mead certification exams as follows:

The exam fee for someone not already a BJCP member is US$50. This fee applies to the first exam taken, which may be of any type authorized by the BJCP.
The exam fee for a BJCP member is US$30 for a full exam. This applies to any subsequent exam taken, even if of a different type than originally taken to join the BJCP.

Partial retakes are authorized only for the beer exam, and only for existing BJCP members who have previously taken the full beer exam. The exam fee for a partial retake of the beer exam is US$15.

The board approved the appointment of Joe Dougherty as Assistant Communication Director, and transferring the responsibility for web site maintenance from the Communications Directorate to the IT Directorate.