The BJCP is currently organized to accomplish its mission as follows:
- Board of Directors
- Directorates
- Committees
- Projects
View the current BJCP Officers.
The BJCP Board of Directors (or simply, the Board) is the governing body of the BJCP. The Board is responsible for establishing organization direction and priorities, creating and maintaining organizational policies and operating rules, authorizing staff positions, allocating necessary resources (funding, staffing) to accomplish organizational goals, and providing oversight of program operations. The Board sets directions, priorities and policies, but Directorates and Committees perform most of the BJCP’s operational duties.
BJCP Directorates are the permanent operating units of the organization. Each is headed by a Director, and may have additional staff. Directors have broad discretion in operating their units under the general policies of the organization. The Directorates have significant operational responsibilities, and do the heavy lifting in running the organization on a day-to-day basis. Directorates also undertake ad hoc initiatives to improve the operating units under their area of responsibility. We currently have the following active Directorates: Education and Training, Competition, Exam, Information Technology, Communications, and Finance.
Committees are ad hoc development units within the organization that are formed to work on a specific project, particularly if it crosses multiple operating Directorates or involve more work than can be adequately managed by existing Directors. In general, Committees have a specific charter or objective, and exist only for the time during which they are working towards their goal. Committees are led by an appointed Chairman, and often include program staff, regular members or external subject matter experts as needed.
Work not performed by Directorates or Committees may be accomplished as Projects under the direct control of the BJCP President. These projects are generally limited in scope and duration, and often have only one or two people involved. Projects often involve improving some aspect of Member Services, and require less structure than Committees.