From the President’s Desk

Hello judges,

I’m penning this on the 26th of December as we wrap up another year of exams, competitions, and of growing and of training new judges. I hope you were able to get out and about and support local competitions, sharpen your skills as judges, and have fun!

A judge since 2007, I first became a BJCP grader back in 2010 and it was a great experience. I got to know some different senior judges and I learned lots along the way. After 5 or so sets graded, I bumped up to be a lead grader. Grading is yet another way I have met so many people through the BJCP! 

Today, we continue to look for graders to help us get exams graded — we are short of graders, and have been since Covid.  If all National and above Judges would grab a set we could help to catch up the exam backlog.  If you are one of our previous graders (maybe you are even one of the past graders who helped to bring me into the ranks) and have stopped grading for one reason or another, please come back! Your past experience is valued and needed, just contact Don Blake and Greg Toothaker. Or use this all-new signup form!

As the BJCP President for the last 3 months of the year I don’t feel I have too much to write about this time in that respect, but I wanted to jot a quick note and say thanks for being part of our international organization. Thanks for judging at your local competitions (and the not so local ones!) Thanks for helping to train new judges, give exams, proctor exams, and for doing all of the other things that go into being a judge is all about. 

Wishing you all a safe and successful New Year. 
